
Our Hebrew School was established with one goal in mind; to give your child an experience they will cherish forever. One, that will take them on a journey, so that at the end of the year, they will truly be a year older in their Jewish education.

We believe, that a child’s first taste of Jewish learning should be upbeat, interesting and fun. We believe that Judaism is relevant and meaningful, and that is what we wish to instill within every child.

At Chabad Hebrew School your child will...

  • Attain a strong sense of love of Judaism and pride in being Jewish.
  • Gain an understanding of the practices & traditions of Judaism.
  • Know the morals, values & ethical behavior mandated by the Torah.
  • Discover and explore the Torah. the incredible history of the Jewish people & see its relevance in today's day.
  • Appreciate & experience all the Jewish holidays hands-on.
  • Master Hebrew skills; learn how to pray from a prayer book.
  • Understand basic conversational Hebrew words.
  • Identify with the land of Israel & its inhabitants.
  • Feel free to express his/her opinions and questions about G‑d, Torah & religion.

For more information Click Here or contact Rabbi Yisroel or Chanie Zavdi at [email protected]