8th Annual Women's
Spa for the Soul
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Recharge your "Soul"ar Energy
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
at the Hilton Waterfront Beach Resort
21100 Pacific Coast Hwy Huntington Beach
10:00 Registration, Coffee, Auction Viewing
10:30 Welcome
11:00 Workshop #1- Choose One
- Femininity & Intimacy with Mrs. Danielle Forer
-The Art of Making Challah
-Beauty Skin Care by Zen Spa max: 25
12:00 Gourmet Lunch
12:30 Guest Speaker and Entertainment
From Hollywood to Holywood - A Taste of Broadway with Mrs. Judy Winegard
Woman of Valor Award
1:30 Workshop #2 Choose One
- The Essence of Eternal Light with Mrs. Chava Tombosky
-Let the Divine Shine Chassidic Text Advanced with Mrs. Daniele Forer
-Yoga with Suzanne Simon max: 20 bring pants and towel
2:30 Workshop #3
-Mission Possible with Mrs. Chava Tombosky
-Aerobics/ Dance with Donna Miller
3:30 Auction Drawing and Closing
Massages and Manicures can be done throughout the day. Sign up by email or at registration.
Chinese Auction
- Tickets sold at door $5/ $10
-Discount package: $25 buys you $30 value
-Great prizes- Jewelry/ Art/ Entertainment packages and more
Massages & Manicures
By reservation only -reserve space when you register. May be available at registration
$7 additional for 15 minute massage or manicure. Pay directly at service
French Style Gourmet Lunch
Catered by Pedouth Isti
Mini Tuna Burgers * Quiches * Pizzetas * Frittata
Tuna Mousse * Smoke Salmon Entremet * Continental Salad
Crepes Station
Woman of Valor/ Eishes Chayil Award
A Taste of Broadway
From Hollywood to Holywood
with Judy Winegard
JUDY WINEGARD was classically trained in the performing arts at the Neighborhood Playhouse in Manhattan, New York, as well as, at Ithaca College where she was awarded her BFA in Drama. On tour with a Broadway-bound production of Jekyll and Hyde when she began her return to Yiddishkeit, Judy left her blossoming career in show business for a more promising career as a Jewish wife and mother. Since then she has been a master acting teacher and performance coach for Kol Neshama, a Jewish Girls Conservatory for the Arts. She had one of the starring roles, Miss Agatha Grimshaw, in the first ever, for women only, movie musical. Her second movie musical, The Heart That Sings, , premiered at the Holocaust Museum in Los Angeles and The Jewish Museum in New York this past March. Judy also co-wrote and starred in her one-woman show, The Wedding Presence, which she performed in NY for over 3,000 women. She feels so blessed that Hash-m has given her opportunities to share her G‑d-given talent with women-only audiences. Judy is a major talent in every sense of the word, her star quality equally illuminating the comedic, dramatic, and vocal aspects of her stage performances.
Valet Parking Only- Tickets will be validated.
We do appreciate carpool to keep costs down. Thank you!
-Sponsorship opportunities: Sponsor:- $180,
Silver Sponsor: $500 , Gold Sponsor: $1,000
If you would like to receive an invitation, email [email protected]
Chabad of West Orange County invites you to the 7th Annual Women’s
Spa for the Soul
Music of the Soul
A day of relaxation and inspiration for the Jewish woman
Sunday, August 1, 2010 - 21 Av 5770
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
At the Hilton Waterfront Beach Hotel
21100 Pacific Coast Hwy,
Huntington Beach, 92648
Music of the Soul
7th Annual Women’s Spa for the Soul
10:00—Registration & Coffee
10:30— 11:15
Study: King David and the Harp—Insights into the Sweet Singer of Israel - with Mrs. Sarah Kaplan*
Art: Women & the Redemption; Decorate your own tambourine
Aerobics/ Dance: Music & Movement with Mrs. Sarah Tanz
11:30– 12:15
Study: Major & Minor Chords : Creating Meaningful Compositions
Mrs. Devorah Leah Ashkenazi Teacher, Beis Chaya Mushka, Los Angeles
This workshop may require Hebrew reading from text.
Study: Playing the Music of my Soul— B Sharp or B Flat—Choosing the Right Key
Mrs. Sarah Kaplan* Tzfat, Israel
Aerobics/ Dance: Music and Movement with Mrs. Sarah Tanz
12:30 Lunch by Prestige Caterers
12:50 Main Session
1:00 My Personal Story - Mrs. Shira Benzaken aka Carol Adams
1:15 “The Sound of Joy “
featuring Mrs. Chana Nunez**
2:15 Raffle drawing / Dessert
2:30 “The Sound of Joy” Part ll
Grand finale Mrs. Chana Nunez
10:00– 12:45—You can do your pre - scheduled massages and manicures, get some makeup tips or become more informed about the special Mitzvot of the Jewish woman.
Georgette Maamari - Certified Massage Therapist
Yvonne Flores - Manicurist
Makeup table will be run by Liat & Shelley Zilpa from LS Beauty N Style
First Prize: Two Airline Tickets
Anywhere in the Continental U.S. *
Second Prize: Phat Cycle Beach Cruiser**
Third Prize: Deluxe Spa Basket
+ additional prizes
* certain restrictions may apply
** donated by Bicycle Discovery
Couvert - Cost: $60 • Sponsor: $180
Raffle: 1 Ticket $18 • 3 Tickets $45
Manicure & Massage are by appointment, see registration form.
We will validate the valet tickets. If you can carpool it will keep our costs down and be greatly appreciated.
Co-sponsored with Chabad of South Huntington Beach
*Sara Kaplan has been teaching for over thirty years, helping women rediscover their heritage and guiding many of her students as they build their own homes. She gives classes on an array of topics, from the Bible and Psalms to Chassidic perspectives on marriage and parenting. Kaplan is humorous and approachable, and known for quickly developing a rapport with her listeners. She is the grateful mother of nine children, who, she claims, have been her major teachers, and have, thank G‑d, blessed her with many grandchildren. Sara Kaplan and her late husband Rabbi Leible Kaplan, A"h, were sent by the Lubavitcher Rebbe to Tzfat in Eretz Yisroel thirty seven years ago.
**Chana Leah, was born as Jacqueline and raised in the country of Panama in a non-Jewish home. From a young age she was an accomplished child prodigy in the area of music and played and sang at numerous weddings and musical events throughout Latin America. As a teenager her parents sent her to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to learn new music styles and to further develop her natural talent to play by ear, improvise and compose.
Jacqueline, who was a deeply spiritual child, was already asking questions about her identity, her beliefs, and her religion. Soon after marriage in 1987 to her husband, Marco Polo Nunez who was raised in a Christian evangelical home, she realized that she and her husband shared a deep spiritual connection and a common pursuit; that of finding the purest form of Truth in their quest to connect to G‑d. ChanaLeah’s presentation is a fascinating story about an individual who had a heartfelt and deep desire to live a life serving G‑d in the truest sense and through Divine Providence, came to the doors of Judaism in 1998.
ChanaLeah has an ability to develop a strong connection with her audience, and her story keeps everyone engaged and inspired from beginning to end. People walk away with added motivation to climb the mountain of life and change the world for good. Her story has made a tremendous impact and touched the lives of many women all over the globe.
5th Annual Spafor the Soul – Sea Cliff Country Club
- Program -
Theme: Life is a Journey
10:00 - Welcome
Registration, Coffee and Auction presentation
(Auction Tickets available at the door for $5/ $10)
10:15 - Workshop #1
Option 1 - Israeli Dancing
Israeli Dancing with Israeli folk dancing instructor Rivka Bakin a.k.a. Riki Rikoodim.
Rivka has been a dance performer in different parts of the world.
Option 2 - “Praying with Fire”
An interactive visual journey with Mrs. Danielle Forer, exploring the Amidah prayer and it’s relevance to the Jewish woman.
Danielle is a middle school teacher at Beis Rebbe in L.A. She has spoken to many varied audiences on Judaic topics.
Option 3 - Beauty Session
Beauty Session with Ms. Deborah Woods, founder of: Skin Deep- the Body Spa Salon
11:15 - Workshop #2
Option 1 - Israeli Dancing
Israeli Dancing with Israeli folk dancing instructor Rivka Bakin a.k.a. Riki Rikoodim.
Rivka has been a dance performer in different parts of the world.
Option 2 - "Live to Work, Not Work to Live"
With Shaina Trapedo.
Now more than ever we are being pushed to strike a "work- life balance". However, this life model is fundamentally flawed. As Jews living in the 21st century we need a new compass that is not "balanced" and instead of pointing north, points south. We need to learn how to live to work, not work to live.
Shaina originally from Upland, CA, attended school in Los Angeles, seminary in Jerusalem, and college in NY. Though she began her professional career in corportate America as a risk analyst for a multinational firm, she is now following her calling in academia. Shaina received her Masters in English from UCI and is currently pursuing her PH.D. while raising her three beautiful children in Irvine, CA.
Option 3 – Spa for the Mind
Advanced learning from text with Danielle Forer
Danielle is a middle school teacher at Beis Rebbe in L.A. She has spoken to many varied audiences on Judaic topics.
12:15 - Lunch
Sushi & Salad Bar/Music
1:00 - Keynote Address
Mrs. Molly Resnick - An NBC Producer's Journey Home
Mrs. Molly Resnick, a former secular Israeli succeeding as a high profile American Socialite, gives an entertaining account of how she found her way back to her ancestral roots. Her captivating story is a thought- provoking tale that has inspired audiences worldwide.
Molly Resnick, a veteran journalist who is the founder and director of the grassroots organization MATCKH, Mothers Against Teaching Children to Kill and Hate. As a former NBC TV producer, Resnick interviewed a wide variety of celebrities, including Sean Connery, Sophia Loren, John Travolta, Menachem Begin and Yitzchak Rabin. Resnick provided the simultaneous live translation for Begin’s speech for NBC News when Sadat made his historic visit to the Knesset.
1:40 - Dessert & Auction Drawing